You Get SEL – Going Beyond Surface Level Implementation of Social and Emotional Learning in the Music Room (1 Hour)

All levels
1 lesson
1 quiz
70 students

Course Description

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has gained popularity since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Without critical analysis of these educational frameworks through a lens of equity, SEL could be building more barriers than bridges. This workshop will provide a critical lens at the way SEL has been trending and what to look for to ensure that its implementation is culturally responsive, anti-biased, and anti-racist. You’ll leave with several lesson ideas and will feel empowered to seamlessly weave SEL skills as an essential asset of relevant music curriculum.

Course Objectives

During the workshop, you will:

1. Identify who you are through various lenses.

2. Understand what SEL really is and how to use it in your music classroom.

3. Realize the importance of ABAR Education and why it’s meant for ALL students.

Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

1. Use an identify map to identify who you are by labeling different categories that best describe yourself.

2. Teach your students from an Anti-Racist lens by implementing easy to understand steps.

3. Incorporate SEL into your music classroom by using practical examples given to you.

Requirements for Completion

To complete this workshop, you will:

1. Complete 1 workshop.

2. Take 1 short, multiple-choice quiz.

User Avatar

Darlene Machacon

Darlene Machacon (she/her) is a high school choral director and piano/music theory instructor in Orange County, California. Previously an elementary general and choral music teacher, she has held the position of department chair, honor choir director and mentor to pre-service and early-career teachers. In 2022, Darlene became a national recipient of the Music Teacher of Excellence award from the CMA Foundation. In addition to teaching and training, Darlene is an active presenter and social media content creator (@thedarlingmusicteacher). She is a member of the ArtsEdSEL Practice Advisory Board, F-Flat Books Visionary Board, and the Social and Emotional Learning team for Music for All. Darlene focuses her work on challenging the status quo of music education, fusing elements of SEL, culturally responsive teaching and anti-bias/anti-racist approaches. Darlene holds two Bachelor’s degrees in Music Education and Piano Performance from Biola University and a Master’s degree in Music Education from VanderCook College of Music. When she’s not working, she loves trying out new restaurants in the area and strolling around Disneyland with her husband.

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